quickstart guide

Reading the rules

Here’s a few tips that may be useful to you when reading about Aim Ten.

Throughout this documentation, you’ll see some bold text. Bold text means that “there’s a definition of this somewhere else”. It could be on another page, or later on the same page.

I’m gradually replacing these with hyperlinks which you can click on to take you directly to the relevant definition. In this case, they’ll be underlined instead of bold.

You will also sometimes see some lilac-background text with a book icon, like this:

📖 Hi there, I’m some lilac-background text with a book icon!

This denotes that this is “extra information” that might be more useful for DMs than other players. If you want to delve deeply or want some tips on how things work, read these! If you just want the more essential information about the game, you can ignore them.

You will also see some beige-background text with a wrench icon:

🔧 Yo, I’m the beigy-wrench goodness.

This denotes that this is “mechanics information”. Like the book stuff, it might be more useful for DMs than regular players. However, they may also be useful for math and statistics nerds, or people who like game design.

Playing a game

When you start the game, you should have a character, some active memories, and a game map that shows you where your character is.

At some point, an encounter will begin. This is a situation your character is in. It could involve combat, or not. If it doesn’t involve combat, it’s probably a social encounter.

The Dungeon Master, or DM, is the person responsible for running the game and making sure everyone has fun. In an encounter, the first thing they will ask you to do is roll some dice (or click a button, if you’re playing online). If you get a high roll on an attempt or attack die, this means that you may be going first. If you rolled a 10 or a 9, this also greatly increases your chance of success in most cases.

Higher numbers which are not a 9 or 10 don’t generally make it more likely that you will succeed. However, any roll might be useful in certain circumstances. Check your memories for an “Aim” text with a certain number, like “Aim(3)”. In this case, if you rolled a 3 or a 10, you can use that memory as well!

In many cases, you might not need to be rolling dice – you may simply be exploring the game using your eyes and ears. Be attentive to small details on the map and to things around you. You will also get information from your Insight – a character quality which helps you perceive important things around you. The DM may give you small messages with information that you can share with your fellow party members – or not!

When you complete an encounter, you should receive an experience. This may also be a new memory.

Good luck and have fun!